

Hello friends and family, The last month has been nothing less then a whirlwind for our family. Our sweet Brylee girl was just diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma, bone cancer. This news has devastated us, but Brylee is so brave and strong she has taught us all so much already. She starts her chemo treatments this week and will have 12 hard weeks of treatments followed by a surgery to remove the cancer then will have another 16 weeks of chemo to eradicate the cancer. If they are unsuccessful she will have to have a full hip replacement followed by more treatment. I have set this up for help alleviate all stress and financial burden on my sister and brother in law. So that they can focus on getting Bry better and well. All funds will be sent directly to Brittney Freeman, Brylee’s mother. This is going to be a long road for our sweet Bry. She will still need continued care after her chemo treatments. This community we have surrounding us is one I pray everyone should have. We are stronger in numbers and a prayer, positive sentiments, kind words, any donation of any sort would be a blessing. Please keep Brylee and our family in your prayers as she starts her journey to kick cancers ass!! With all the love, The fighting Freeman’s

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