

Hello friends and family, as many of you already know, I am chronically ill and have been suffering from my health issues for close to ten years now. I recently took a break from all social media so I could focus all my attention on my health, so here's a bit of an update, and a plea for help. This is the last thing I ever wanted to do, but I want to live. I want to prolong my life and hopefully live a ‘normal” life one day, and this is the only way to do that. I have been working with a hospice and palliative care team that have been attempting to make me comfortable during all of the intense health issues and agonizing pain, but unfortunately, that is all they can do. I had been told I wouldn’t make it to January 2024, but I did. Then a new doctor gave me until March, and again i defied the odds. Now my doctors are giving me less than six months, but I am fighting, and I hope you will fight with me. This time, I have to admit, I am terrified. My kidneys are starting to decline and fail, and my already poorly functioning liver is taking a hit. Malnutrition has finally started to cause organ failure. There are doctors and facilities that I desperately need to get to, but being on disability my income is so limited, I unfortunately can not travel out of state to see the appropriate doctors, and that is why I am asking for you to please share my story and help me fundraise, so i can make it to those important doctors that can give me a better chance of living. Most recently my neuroendocrine cancer has progressed, and sadly there are no doctors in the state who truly specialize and understand this type of cancer or treat neuroendocrine cancer or carcinoid syndrome. The cancer has also affected my motility even more than it was and now my gastroparesis is so awful my stomach is almost completely paralyzed. I have been tube fed for three years and taken all my meds in my feeding tube or into the port in my chest to completely bypass my stomach since I can not digest food or medications. Although the feeding tube allowed more absorption of meds and food, it was never a long-term option because my body continues to reject the tubes. My doctors said many patients get one or two tube exchanges a year….. I have had nearly 30 feeding tube exchanges and more stomas than I can count. My body recently stopped responding to the tube feeds, which is why my organs are now failing, and the feeding tube itself was causing such bad leakage that I have second-degree chemical burns from the stomach acid. I have started to lose more weight, my hair is falling out and even some of my teeth have cracked and fallen out. My body is hanging on, but barely. Tube feeds are done and that means there is one less life-saving treatment/method out there for me to try. We have hit a wall that we don’t know how to climb. I have lost about 130 pounds and now the weight loss is picking up speed again. My local doctors are telling me that my last hope is to start TPN, also called total parenteral nutrition. We are praying the TPN will be made and delivered tomorrow so that we can attempt to get SOME nutrients in me STAT. TPN is notorious for liver issues and liver failure causing a need for a liver transplant. With my medical history, i am not an ideal candidate to be put on a transplant list. I am so scared to need a liver transplant, but i am also scared if i don’t do the TPN, my organs will continue to shut down anyways. The medical bills are piling up, but I know there are physicians out there that CAN help save my life, it is just a matter of getting the funding. I ask that you please pray for me, and for my family and friends, who are also suffering through this horrendous time. I am so thankful and appreciative to all my family and friends who have stuck by me, who have offered their dang LIVER to me and just supported me. I am not done fighting, so I ask that you please help me fight and get the word out. Any likes, shares or donations are so greatly appreciated. Thank you guys for taking the time to read my story ❤️

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