For the last few years, my mother, Belle Donna Fordyce-Punch, has suffered tremendously from severe skin issues. She experienced skin blistering and uncontrollable itchiness, along with other general unexplained health issues. After several referrals and misdiagnoses, she was finally diagnosed in late 2024 with cancer - a rare T-cell lymphoma called Mycosis Fungoides, a blood cancer that typically manifests in the skin. Due to the rarity of the disease, her oncology team in The Bahamas consulted with more experienced doctors abroad to determine her treatment plan. As her condition is so severe, they decided to start her on chemotherapy immediately. However, after over a year of chemotherapy treatment, the oncology team determined that the chemotherapy did not work as effectively as anticipated. For this reason, they referred her to a dermatologist who prescribed another chemotherapy drug. Unfortunately, the side effects were unbearable and made her more ill, and she was subsequently taken off the drug. Mycosis fungoides is a rare and incredibly difficult cancer to treat. Treatment plans may vary from individual to individual and sometimes more than one treatment may be necessary to determine what works best. Since multiple treatment plans have failed, and her condition continues to progress, my mother has decided to travel to the United States to seek an additional opinion on the most suitable treatment plan going forward. This illness has made it difficult for her to complete her daily tasks and work. The combination of cancer and treatments has resulted in multiple infections and other detrimental health effects over the last two years. Since she is the primary caregiver of my father who is chronically unwell and unable to work, she is currently the only person in the household who can contribute financially. We hope that she can see someone in the United States, with the required experience of her condition, and develop a treatment plan to restore her quality of life. We would appreciate your kind donation to this worthwhile cause. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you beforehand for your part in restoring my mother to good health. Update 7/28: My mother has begun seeking treatment in the United States. Most recently, she was referred to a hematologist and is hoping to have an appointment by some time next week. We appreciate all of the donations so far.
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