

Hi. I'm Beau. Or Taylor, if we aren't friends yet. If you don't know me, I'm a transgender man living in Missouri. My location and gender are relevant because the Missouri governing bodies are doing everything they can to prevent trans people, like me, from receiving hormone therapy. If this happens I will lose my ability to pass as a cisgender man, unless I'm able to get top surgery. I won't go into the whole run-down of all the transphobic bills and nonsense that is going on in the US, Google is free and easy. It’s getting dangerous, and it’s getting urgent. I will, however, go into something you can't Google: who I am, and why my need for surgery is so urgent. Real quick, before I tell my story, I wanted to thank everyone who has helped. I've tried to answer any questions in the updates, but the short version is, insurance is-- terrible. I am and have been many things, including a theater artist, a writer, a tutor, and a caregiver. I also REALLY like trees and moss. Currently, I’m working as a caregiver, professionally. There isn’t a lot of money in that, but my insurance has covered almost everything I’ve needed to transition. I will be moving shortly after the new year starts, so I won’t have time to recover and then move. If I’m not able to get top surgery by the end of the year, I will have to wait until I’m settled in a new state and a new job. I've done so much for this surgery. I've lost weight to conform to the medical "ideal." I've saved up PTO. I had saved up half of the money I needed, only for my spouse to get sick and become disabled very quickly. With half of our income gone overnight, what was going to be my surgery fund quickly went to rent, food, and adaptive equipment for my spouse. I spend most of my time taking care of my chosen family. White male privilege is something I benefit from, and that means protection for those who I claim. If I’m forced to go off testosterone before getting top surgery, 7 disabled trans people lose the benefits of my privilege. If you are able to donate, I cannot express how grateful I would be. Even just a dollar truly helps. I also sell my art, which you can find on Instagram at craftid.cryptid. We're still working on a proper website, but I'm always taking DMs. Sharing this fundraiser on social media also means so, so much. Community is everything, especially right now.

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