

Hello, my name is Kristin, and I created this LFEBridge on behalf of my mother, Arlene (Cressida) Singh-Dattoo, to raise funds to help her receive Stem Cell Treatment abroad for her life-threatening condition of ALS, which she was diagnosed with a little over a ago. In 2024, my Mother went to get her Covid-19 vaccination shot just like the doctors had told her to. However, less than a week after the first shot, she noticed that wasn't able to lift her left leg properly. This condition is known as 'foot drop'. She went to her doctor and they did some tests, her inflammation markers were alarmingly high. Fast forward a few months, and the time for the second vaccine shot had arrived. Her doctor, noticing that the inflammation had slightly gone down, made the judgement that it should be perfectly okay for Arlene to take the second shot. She did and within a week her other leg started to buckle, and from there her legs started to get progressively worse. After some months of searching for answers she saw a neurologist who, although they ran tests, could not find the reason for Arlene's sudden condition. She was sent to a hospital specializing in ALS, where she was formally diagnosed with the condition. My mother's quality of life has drastically decreased ever since the onset of what the Doctors believe to be ALS. She can no longer do simple things like opening a jar, walking on slightly uneven surfaces, or going up a single step. She cannot drive anymore, and has frequent falls that puts her out of commission for a few days because of their severity. In Canada there are no proper rehabilitation treatments for ALS. The only option is stuffing those with the condition full of strong drugs that are harsh on the body and mind in hope of only slowly the progression. Your donation will help our family send my Mother to the Grand Cayman Island to a clinic called DVC Stem, which has treated many people with different types of neurodegenerative diseases including ALS with positive results. Testimonials show that those with ALS have gotten stronger, their foot drop has stopped, and they've been able to regain some sense of normalcy in their life. This is all we wish for my Mom, Arlene Cressida Singh-Dattoo, and so we humbly ask for any and all donations. Thank you. (Clinic link has been attached for those who wish to see the exact place we will go for treatment. Click the underlined text).

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