

I am raising funds for my friend, Arlene, who is in danger of losing her home. Arlene is 83 years old and lives alone in Glenview, IL. She suffers from acute arthritis and mental health issues that cause her to fill her home with boxes of stuff that she is not able to let go of. Arlene is not able to get through her home as there is no pathway to allow her to move and she has only 1 working sink and 1 working toilet. The village has given her orders to either clean up her home or she will be evicted as she cannot pay for the clean up or her property taxes as social security barely covers her medication and daily expenses. Arlene eats 1 meal a day to save money. She went through the entire Winter last year without heat in her home because no one could get to her furnace to fix the issue. She has no money to move into assisted living or to pay rent. Arlene's only son and only family died of Leukemia 2 years ago during the pandemic. The 10k raised will pay for her property taxes (8k) and a service to come in and help her remove some of the boxes from her home into storage so she can move around her home without fear of falling and injury.

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