

Hello. My name is Donna. On 7/10/23 in Elyria, my nephew Andy was riding his motorcycle when a car pulled out in front of him. He hit the car and flew 50 feet from the accident. He was taken to EMH where he was intubated and flown to Metro. The first few hours he received 8 units of blood, fresh frozen plasma, and platelets. His injuries include air in his brain, right humerus fx, left tib fib fx, left foot fx, pelvic shearing injury (because of this, he was losing blood fast), bladder injury, transverse process broken on L4 and L5, and they said he was impaled by something and has extensive injuries to the lower part of his body. We are extremely grateful that he is alive. He has been in surgery for 6 hours now and they are not close to being done. First I ask for everyone to pray for him. He is the kind of person that he would take his shirt off his back for you. Second, I ask that everyone to spread the word about watching for motorcycles on the road!! One split second and someone’s life is changing because someone didn’t look both ways twice or make a complete stop. My nephew will not be able to work for a very long time. He is planning to marry his wonderful girlfriend. He loves spending time and teaching her 6 year old son. Her son calls him dad. His life has changed. Third, I ask that people donate to help my nephew with the medical bills and help him get anything he needs to help him make a fast recovery. The road to recovery is going to be long and expensive. Thank you for taking the time. If you can donate, we appreciate anything that will help. And please pray for my nephew. Thank you

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