UPDATE: Amy has her weight loss surgery scheduled for Oct. 30. She's very excited and nervous at the same time, but she's worried about how to get the necessary items needed once surgery happens. There has been a situation in her household that has put a crunch on her finances to get her vitamins and protein shakes that are needed after surgery. Can we all find it in our hearts to help Amy out one more time to get the necessary items needed. She always gives to others and hates asking for help. Let's do this for her. Hi everyone!! I am Heidi Honsbruch (Amy's sister) and I am Vincent Beebe (Amy's best friend). We set up this LFEBridge for Amy Honsbruch. If you know Amy, you know she is to proud to ask for any assistance from anyone including us. Amy is in desparate need of taking some classes so she can have weight loss surgery. A little bit about what she has been facing: May 2, 2003 she was diagnosed with diabetes and has been in the battle of her life. August 26, 2008 she suffered a heart attack (died twice on us that day). She went on BI-PAP breathing machine shortly after that due to her weight. She also fights against a rapid case of DJD (degenerative joint disease) which has made it almost impossible for her to walk anymore due to her knees being bone on bone. Infact on August 11, 2024 she will be having a nerve ablation (burning the nerves) to try and stop the pain so she can walk a little better. A year ago in July she was diagnosed with spinal stenosis with claudification which causes major back pain and affecting her legs. She has been in and out of physical therapy since 2018. She has been out of work since March 3, 2024 and battling to fight for disability. The only income she has is a tiny commission check she gets once a month from her Scentsy business and that doesn't even pay for one bill a month. She is constantly in need of help but refuses to ask. Her insurance company has finally agreed to pay for the weight loss surgery itself but will NOT pay for the educational classes that are required of her before she can have the operation. These classes will help set her up to be ready for the surgery before and after. Amy wants to be alive for her family and friends and has been informed that if she doesn't do something fast to lose weight she won't be here more than a couple years. She is ready to have the surgery but this financial step is holding her back. If you can find it in your heart to assist my sister and my best friend in her new journey we appreciate it, but Amy would greatly appreciate it more. Once she loses the weight they will be able to get her knees fixed and then watch out world our "old" Amy will be back running circles around us again and be able to watch her great nephews graduate from high school!!!! All donations go directly to Amy and will be used to pay for the classes (they are expensive), her gas for traveling back and forth to the Dunes, and paying any bills of her home. If you feel better sending money directly to her you can Venmo Amy directly here: @Amy-Honsbruch.
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