Hello everyone; in the last two years I’ve dealt with a pheochromocytoma on my adrenal gland, which needed to urgently be removed, as they are potentially deadly and now almost exactly 2 years to the date of that surgery I had acute diverticulitis which ruptured my sigmoid colon. I have spent the last six days in the hospital trying to fight the infection and stay alive. I am proud of myself that I accomplished that and I am heading home today. At home I will get my body strong to be able to withstand the surgery and then I will have my colon removed. The next eight weeks will be a real test for me but one I intend on passing. I have never had to ask for anyone’s help this way, but I feel it necessary as we just moved into our small apartment and I really don’t wanna have to move again. I just want to have some stability for a few years. I will be out of work for this period of time and will just be relying on my husband’s income, which is not much as he just changed to jobs and works at the airport. I work as a nanny, so do not have the benefit of disability. I could really use help with our day-to-day bills, rent, automobile, insurance, food for us, and our pets. Any amount would be so greatly appreciated, and I promise to pay it forward when I can. I have met so many wonderful people in my community that are really come through for us when we had to sell everything to make money so that we could move. I had a very successful two day garage sale. It killed me parting with my treasures, but it was necessary, and I would do it again only I don’t have much left. The impact your donation will have, whether a big or small will be immeasurable. I hope to one day be able to help someone like they have helped me through some of the darkest times of my life. Thank you.
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