

Julian is 14 years old and was recently diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in late August 2015. He has been receiving treatment at The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne since being diagnosed. Julian's condition is serious and he has undergone surgery to insert an LVAD or ventricular assist device which will pump blood to his other organs, a procedure which his heart is unable to do so efficiently. This will serve as a transition to heart transplant.Julian is a beautiful boy whose smile will brighten anyone's day. He is a fighter who is always positive and rarely complains about his struggles. As with any serious medical condition, families go through emotional, physical and financial stresses. So in support of my dear friend Celine Gunn and her husband John, I'm trying to raise funds to assist their family financially as they endure a long and challenging road to Julian's recovery. Funds raised will be used to assist with any financial responsibilities such as bills and day-to-day expenses during Julian's treatment and recovery. John and Celine would also love to take Julian on a holiday once he's recovered so any extra money raised would help fund a well-deserved holiday!John and Celine are grateful for all your prayers and show of support. Please continue to pray for his recovery.We appreciate and thank you in advance for your generosity.

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