This is Lynn, Hayley's stepmom asking for any assistance that you can help with. If you cannot help please pray for our dear Hayley during her time of need. In the last week of September 2024, Hayley began vomiting blood and went to the ER, which in turn sent her to a colonoscopy and endoscopy. While under anesthesia they discovered a very low heart rate of 31-36 beats per minute and was promptly sent to a cardiologist who had to implant a pacemaker a week later. Also, while under anesthesia, they found out she has G.E.R.D, esophagitis, and tested positive for a bacterial infection called H- pylori in her gut which is very dangerous and difficult to get rid of. Meanwhile, her esophagus was getting worse all the time and so began the process of swallowing tests at Salem Hospital and Salem Gastro. All food and liquids were remaining in the esophagus, even after 5-10 hours 50% still remained in there. The next diagnosis came in as esophageal motility disorder and underlying connective tissue disease. She was then hospitalized for esophageal dilation which failed. After all of that, she was put in the hospital again for a gastric emptying study which again showed 50% was still there and there should’ve only been 10% left. Through all of this, her condition continued to worsen. Finally, she was diagnosed with severe achalasia which in layman terms is a paralyzed esophagus, which means it isn’t working at all. We were then referred to OHSU to a surgeon who informed us that he needs to do a Heller Myotomy which is where they go in and cut the outer muscles and tendons of her esophagus, hoping to regain 50% of her swallowing ability! We were told it will never be 100% again but at this point, it’s functioning at 0%. She is losing weight and is now showing signs of malnutrition. There are two types of surgery for this, one being less invasive which is laparoscopic but may end up with much more invasive surgery where incisions will be made. If all goes well, she will be in the hospital for 3 days or until they are convinced there is no internal bleeding. At this point, she is vomiting in her sleep, has constant migraines, and is getting weaker by the day just anticipating her surgery. She has no source of income and really needs some help. All her medical info is on her My Chart and can be proven. We also ask for prayers for her especially while waiting for the surgery because she worsens daily. If proof is wanted or needed, please reach out to myself, Lynn Lewis.
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