

Please help our dear friend Hailey Gee with expenses that will incur once she leaves the hospital. This is a story of petty drama that should not have happened. These girls couldn't get along and the result was Hailey getting run over by a car. This could have killed her but THANK YOU JESUS she is alive. She sustained a severely broken pelvis bone, lacerated kidney, fractured skull, punctured lung and broken ribs. It is a miracle that she survived this! She has a long hard road ahead of her with a guarantee that she will be in a wheelchair for at least 8 weeks. She survived the surgery for her pelvic bone and the next hurdle is her brain injury. Please help her and her family with any support that you can provide for the aftercare that will be needed. If you can't afford to help Monatary please pray that God brings patience, peace and healing to her and the family through this hard time. God and prayers have gotten her this far!

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