Isaac was riding his motorcycle on his way home from work a route that he take almost everyday. We was coming around a corner and spectrum was out there working with no signs, just a flagger right behind the truck. As Isaac came up to the work zone, a triaxle was going through, with no warning of the work zone he wasn’t expecting it. He didn’t have to to stop and there was no where to go, he locked up his brakes and laid the bike down. He slid in front of the triaxle and his legs got ran over by the tri axle. He was brought to umass. It’s a terrifying feeling as a parent, significant other, sibling or family member to get that call and and we wish that fear on no one. Not many people are lucky enough to say they survived something like this but his injuries are very serious. He snapped his left femur which didn’t just poke the the skin, it ripped through causing a serious laceration. He also snapped his right tibia and fibula which also went through the skin. He has road rash so bad on his thigh there is no skin from his butt to his knee, he will need skin grafts. He also fractured his elbow and hand with road rash to the bone on his hand. He has gone through 1 surgery so far and is expected to have 3 more, the dr said he will be in the hospital for at least 2 more weeks but more than likely will be longer. I know this is a long post but I wanted you to know the story and the injuries, he’s very lucky to be alive and we’re grateful for that. We’re not usually the family to ask for handouts but with the hospital bills, the baby on the way, and him not being able to work, we have no choice. This is going to be a long road to recovery. Thank you to everyone who has donated or shared this, it means a lot to our family.
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