

Hi, my name is Fabrinne and I created this fundraiser to help a dear friend of mine to take care of her son’s medical expenses. Liza is her name and we have worked together for about a year now, but Liza has become like family to me. She has 2 boys Chris and Jacobus and husband Donovan. They are originally from South Africa and migrated to Australia to provide a better life for the family. The reason for this is to help provide a better care for Jacobus, one of Liza’s son. Please see below his medical history told by mum Liza. Jacobus was a healthy 15yr boy, his last yearly checkup was in October 2024 with a scan and no problems. We had to take him on 8th January 2024 for his covid vaccine because he needed school clothes and school shoes, we had proof to the shops he was vaccinated. Precisely 3 weeks after that he started with strange symptoms, he could not walk home from school and kept complaining about back pain and tummy pain, he drank litres of water and he still had his meals and time and again he was sleeping and did not do his school work. We updated the GP and was supposed to take him back but I (Mum) got covid on 7th march 2024 and then few later Jacobus got covid, he kept complaining about pain but the water drinking and eating stopped and we worried about that. We were told to give Panadol but it did not work. We then called the Covid homecare line and they said please take him in immediately to Emergency. On 17th march 2024 after work we took him in, he lost 23kg and were very weak. They kept us as icu emergency and at 3 o clock on 18th March the 7 Doctors told us he has type 1 diabetes, his organs are under lot of stress, his heart is up and down. They connected him to machines and did ecg plus put a drip on. Their word we are just in time otherwise you could have lost him, those words will stay in our brain. Jacobus entire life changed after that. He has 4 chronic illnesses for life and a list of long covid/after vaccine symptoms. We are now in our 19th month and nothing seem like it will go away or getting better. He has for life now type 1 diabetes, chronic low white blood cells, chronic back problem and also adhd. He cannot do any heave work anymore and had to change his career path as well. His goal to become a construction worker and landscaper changed forever. His goal to play rugby for life changed forever. It was very sad. All what we could see what could have been when we look at him. The long covid symptoms/after vaccine symptoms has been giving problems at school and mostly every day. He has the pots of the heart, the stomach problem that food do not stay in and also tiredness and fatigue in back hands and legs. We have done so many tests but now the Gastro Team do not want to do further investigations on his stomach problem and also he has to move over to adult hospital and there is no long covid team to help us. You can imagine how it feels if all your food comes out at school during a test or sport match or excursion or during class time and you want to faint. His glucose levels drop under 4 and if he is not quick enough he can end up in icu, we would like to avoid that. At night he is at 7 in bed sleeping, not him. He cannot write for long so tired his hands are and has a huge impact on school and at home with school work and projects. We help where we can. He regular checks his heart rate, he cannot even finish a sport match, if he goes higher than a certain level he gets palpitations and sweatiness. We did check we cannot claim from government for this, all the illnesses he has and his long covid symptoms/after vaccine affects is on the list that we cannot claim for. We have been fighting with his Specialists and the Hospital but they do not want to change their mind, they want to him live everyday as if anything can happen and he is only 16 and still in school, not fair him. Not his fault things are like this. We do not have private medical health and cannot afford it either. We need at least $ 9 000 for a gastro colonoscopy because they have to monitor him extra during the procedure in the operation room because of his type 1 diabetes and chronic low whiteblood cells. We do not have the money to take him monthly to a long covid private centre to help him. We are creating this fund to help him with further tests to see if they can find out what is wrong and to help him in future to cope in school/work with his long covid. We would appreciate any help. God bless everyone. Advocate for Jacobus

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