Vlad's Story Vlad is from a countryside village in Romania, and he was born with spastic quadriplegia. This made it difficult for him to walk, speak, and prompted severe seizures. Due to improper healthcare conditions, his malady was not detected in time, and more so, he did not have access to adequate treatment. After searching long and hard, he was able to get help, but he still has a difficult journey ahead. This motivated him and his parents to dedicate their time and energy to helping other children who cannot afford proper treatment.....and this is how "The Angels Among Us" was born. Like Vlad and his parents, you can also help. You can become an angel for a child in need. Meet Vlad's Angels: From starting in a middle school gym, 10 years later, Angels Among Us has its own space, donated by the local hospital in Rasnov, Romania. We are a small but mighty team of volunteers with two physiotherapists, one speech therapist, one psych-pedagogue, and the rest of us, people like you, angels without wings. We have helped over 200 kids so far, but we will not stop here. Join us and become one of Vlad's angels!! With only six dollars we can provide for one kinesis therapy session, and for only seven dollars can cover a 45 minutes speech therapy. Together we can make a difference.
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