

The Gist: The pandemic continues to profoundly affect my daily life as I struggle with long COVID and dedicate myself to navigating the complex web of syndromes so that I can access deeper health and healing. Like many, I’ve still been trying to bounce back financially from the pandemic’s toll on my business, but am limited in my capacity to work due to my health complications. Because of long COVID I am highly sensitized to my surroundings and can become incapacitated by all too common disturbances. Due to a history of mold exposure and its prevalence in modern homes, I need a new, safe, clean home to heal in. Here enters the tiny home dream - please help me with the initial costs to purchase my dream home and finally have an integral space in which to heal! The Background: A couple of months ago when the pollen was high and my health was extra flared up, I joked that I was like the boy in the bubble. Instead of the boy in the bubble, I’m going to be the girl in the tiny home. Let me explain… I’ve opened up more recently about my health struggles in the last few years, and if you haven’t heard from me or seen me in a while, that is why. Long story short, I got long COVID after my second dose of the vaccine, but suffered without a diagnosis until two years later, this past Spring (you can read the long story on The Acupuncture Spot blog post “Long Covid: My Story”). My condition has continued to worsen - a la one step forward, two steps back - as long Covid has made me extremely highly sensitive and reactive in ways I wasn’t before; indeed, a lot of my flare ups these past couple of years can be traced to high pollen counts, wildfire smoke, and mold exposure. Little did I know, when I moved to Nevada City, my rental unit had mold. I took a lot of precautions and there weren’t any obvious signs, but a couple of weeks ago I found a visible mold patch hidden under the stairs. It might have gotten worse this year with the constant storms and humidity, but looking back I do think it’s been a factor all along. When I thought about next steps, what became very clear is that I need a safe, clean, mold-free home environment to heal in. Moving to Nevada City has provided the peace and quiet that my nervous system needs… now I need a low toxin home to match. So that is why I want to become the girl in the tiny home. New construction, more control over my home environment, and a place to live on a friend’s property feels integral to having the safe and stable space I need to get better. The last two years of health and healing have not just been on the physical level, but on emotional and spiritual, as well. I’ve struggled with and am learning to embrace asking for support. So here I am - in the most public way possible, asking for the toughest thing possible - financial support. I want and need to enter the next stage in my health and healing. I have no doubt that my home environment has been a major obstacle to getting better, and that this transition into a tiny home will be a catalyst for a transformative shift in my health. I have spent my whole life being self-sufficient, but the pandemic’s effect on both my acupuncture practice and my health has drained my savings and ability to work at full capacity. The Ask: The last few weeks have shaken things up in an unexpected way, but I feel confident and excited about this next step and so I’m moving quickly. In just a couple of weeks I’ve reached out to tiny home manufacturers to get more info and narrow down which home I want to purchase, and I’ve secured a place to park it and live on a friend’s property. While the monthly costs of moving into a tiny home should be less than or equivalent to a regular rental, there is a significant amount of money that I need up front to purchase the tiny home - the main costs are the down payment, taxes, delivery and set up. My goal is to raise $20,000 - it’s a lofty goal and time is of the essence… so, with great humility, I turn to you. I’m so grateful that you’re here listening to my story, and supporting in any way that you can - whether that is with a donation and/or spreading the word. They often say, we don’t heal alone but in community. Thank you for being my community and helping me heal. With love, Danielle

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