

Hey everyone I am Marisa Cervantes I am the granddaughter to GILBERT MARTINEZ. I am making this gofund me to help out my tata. His medical journey the past 3 years has been a rough one with his knee and leg. He has had a total of 6 surgery including 5 to the knee and one to the tibia, which all have had complications. Though all this my tata Gilbert had been tough and strong. But it has taken a toll on him and with that being said he has no longer been able to work. He has been a sole provider for him and his wife who is his daily care giver. GILBERT is getting ready to undergo another major surgery today July 25th, he will be having his left leg amputated from above the knee. Which he will require a lot more care for his recovery, and getting a prosthetic leg is not fully covered buy his insurance and is a big out of pocket cost. We are asking for our family and friends any donations will be a major help to continue to pay for everything that is and will not be paid for buy insurance. We thank you all very much

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