Our beloved Sammy’s car was broken into last week and all of their tools were stolen. As most of you likely know, Sammy and Ellah recently had a baby. Sammy worked incredibly hard in the lead up to little Cosmo’s arrival to have everything necessary prepared. Ultimately so Cosmo and co. could have a safe, functioning and enjoyable environment. An important part of that environment is Sammy’s presence but the theft of Sammy’s tools necessitates replacement which will ultimately result in Sammy’s absence. The estimated value of everything stolen is a bit less than $10,000. We don’t expect to get that much but if we can at least get them the essentials and some lockable draws for the Ute, it will help prevent this from happening again. This will be hugely beneficial to the new family. We love sammy, let’s give them a little help ☺️
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