

Gerardo is a hard working husband, father, and son who always provided for his family. Tragically, he was recently diagnosed with Grade 4 Glioblastoma (Brain Cancer). Sadly, for these types of cancers, the prognosis is bleak: 15-18 months of life. Despite these odds, Gerardo is not giving up as he wants to buy time with his girls. To this end, he will begin a variety of treatments including radiation, chemotherapy and alternative therapies. His longtime wife Jenny and their daughters (11 & 7 years old) along with friends and family are organizing this page as a plea to the community for help in covering Gerardo's expenses related to this terminal illness. Anything you find in your heart to give will be deeply appreciated. ___________________________________________ Gerardo es un esposo, padre e hijo trabajador que siempre ha mantenido a su familia. Lamentablemente, ha sido diagnosticado con Glioblastoma Grado 4 (Cáncer Cerebral). Para este tipo de cáncer, el pronóstico es sombrío: 15-18 meses de vida. A pesar de esto, Gerardo no se esta dando por vencido pues quiere comprar tiempo con su familia. Con este fin, comenzará tratamientos que incluyen radiación, quimioterapia y terapias alternativas.Su esposa Jenny y sus hijas (de 11 y 7 años) junto con amigos y familiares están suplicandole a la comunidad para que ayude a cubrir los gastos de Gerardo relacionados con esta enfermedad terminal. Cualquier ayuda que encuentre en su corazón dar será profundamente apreciada.

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