My name is Chloe Doggett and I want to help raise funds for my dad who was hit by a reckless drunk driver! Anyone that knows my dad, Gary Doggett would say.... loyal, hardworking family man who selflessly goes above and beyond to help others. Always on the go and never sits down! In the blink of an eye, his life has changed all because of a reckless, uninsured drunk driver! On 30th June 2024, he was crushed between a car and the back of his van. His legs took the full impact. It was witnessed by his employees Stewart and Jak (my brother). After a long 8 hours of surgery, my mum was asked into ICU to help wake up my dad. She was given no information regarding the surgery and walked in to find that his right leg had been amputated below the knee, and his left leg was in a very bad way! She was merely told by the staff.....He is Alive!!! When my dad finally came round, he was alone and had to find out himself by looking down at the bed!....No one was there to explain! The day after, he had pain in his chest and shoulder, but we were told that all had been checked and it was just brusing from the impact. Day 3, dad underwent surgery again. When he woke, he could not breathe. They rushed him to x-ray and found he had air in his left lung, fractured ribs, and scapula! He had an emergency drain inserted into his lung! After 13 days, he was transferred to Valencia Hospital (2 1/2 hours away from home). A further 2 fractured vertebrae in the lower back were found, 2 weeks after the accident! 28 days, mutiple scans, x-rays and 6 surgeries later, they have just realigned his foot and tibia - delayed due to a serious infection within the leg, leading to some flesh and muscle being removed. During the latest surgery, significant damage was also found in the knee, meaning total reconstruction of the knee is needed. It is estimated that the tibia will take approximately 12 months to heal before he can even look at having a prosthetic leg fitted. Let alone the physiotherapy to use it. He will need to have many more surgeries within this time including a number of skin grafts on both his stump and left leg. My dad has to close down his Glass Curtains Business that he has been running since 2008. All because of a reckless, uninsured drunk driver! The road to recovery will be long and tough for my dad. Leaving him with financial worries on top of everything else! He will need medical equipment and the house will need major alterations before he can even come home. Due to the driver being uninsured, there will also be lawyer fees. I ask you to please donate what ever you can to help ease this added stress for my dad! My one year old twins are learning to walk, and it breaks my heart that my strong, amazing dad has to one day learn to walk all over again! But I know with his unbelievable inner strength and determination, he will one day walk me down the aisle on my wedding day x
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