Dear Friends,I am Gabrielle Nicole Ford, and I need help before Nov 6th our move in date to our new apartment. Ive had lot of anxiety the past few weeks fearing my mom won't have enough to get us into an appartment. She has been saving the best she can, and taking care of me and my step father the best she can. Most of you know I am wheelchair bound, and my step-father has stage five cancer and wasn't expected to live past March. My mom has worked hard to help him not give up. He has bad days and good days. He is on disability and mom works full time. She worries about us all the time, as I do not have a care giver. So, Rick and I do our best. Florida is a state that does not provide care givers like NY to the disabled. 'I haven't been able to sleep at night, I am having so much anxiety worrying how we are going to get into the apartment my mom found by her work place where she could come home at lunch and check on us. Now my mom was transfered, and will not be able to do this. I worry if Rick passes away who will help me? My moms tells me God will open the doors and try not to worry. My heart races and I am having a hard time. It may also be due to the fact that I am the here all day with Rick and it's sad to see him some days. Mom wants us in an apartment so I can meet others. We have to move by Oct.30th, stay in a hotel for six days until the apartment is ready. I don't know how my mom can do all this when she is short of the deposit required. MY life hasn’t turned out quite like I hoped it would once Penguin Random House Publishing came to me because they felt like I had a lot to say to America’s Youth, when they approached me to write a youth book. Gabe & Izzy Speaking Up For America’s Bullied was released just as I han an accident and broke my leg in eight places, which required four surgeries. I wasn't able to promote my book. What horrible timing. My book has not gotten tons of publicity. I am home all day helping Rick, trying to help myself, while mom works full time. One teacher said, every student should be required to listen to my book on audio. I was hoping it would do well for several reasons. One teenage boy wrote ( letter is in my book) and told me he stopped his suicide as a result of my anti-bullying school assembly. He asked me, to take my story all over the US and all over the world. When Penguin Random House came to me I hoped this boy’s wish was going to come true. I can’t promote my book like I wish, but students and educators seem to love it when they discover it, and some schools have made it a required read. I only hope someday it will do well because it has proven to prevent bullying. My mom works full time in a dental office, and I live with my step-father who’s on disability due to end stage cancer. He was given a year to live, but he fights daily and has beat the time frame. I do my best to help care for him, and he help me too while my mom works. I am home daily living with a progressive neuromuscular disease (wheelchair bound).We need to move again and it takes so much for my mom and step-dad to come up with first, last months and security deposit. I need to help my mom come up with the amount she needs to get in. She has tried to save, but it’s hard. A three bedroom apartment in FL is not always cheap. I appologize asking for help. If my book ever takes off, I plan on giving to others. And, when I can I do.I need to and raise $2000.00 / First months rent, last months rent, security deposit / and six days hotel.I hope to surprise my mom, and help take the stress off her by asking for help. Gabrielle Ford / My heart is grateful for all help, and I never forget any acts of kindness.
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