7- 16 Update on Mom After Suffering A stroke ❤️ They have let Mom know she will not be able to leave in-patient care until a Date in August! She is going to be out of work for some time due to, when she comes home she will still need out-patient care 3 times a week 3 Hours a day! We need as much help as possible to keep her from having to start over again when/if she does regain her mobility back to her left side!!! Thank you so much to everyone that has donated! It means so much more than you know! We are also working on a fundraising Benefit For Mom if you would rather donate in person! We are looking for Donations for moms benefit. Please message Melissa M. Meyers, Megan Calderon Rowe or myself if you know someone or yourself want to donate a basket or gift to be auctioned off!!! A Small update on mom ❤️ 7-15 She is doing amazing brain and personality wise, we are so absolutely happy about that!!! She is tired and of course, sad, like us. Wondering what she ever did to deserve to have to always be so strong. We appreciate all the kind words and donations so she can focus on her and continue to put in the work to get her mobility back on her left side!! The next few weeks are crucial for her to be able to walk again, and She will need quite a bit of help to get back to her own self physically!!! As many of you found out Our Mother Tina Metz has suffered a stroke. Just like in normal Tina fashion she is fighting her butt off!! She has spent her life being there and showing up for everyone! She wasn't your mom but i would be willing to bet if you ever met her, she was there for you or helped you in some way because that was definitely the type of person she is!!! I hope that everyone can find it in their heart To help keep her on her feet in this time she needs our help! We aren't a Rich family by any means and with everything being so unknown for the future we want to make sure she doesn't have to struggle or lose her belongings while she is rehabbing herself back to health! We want her to focus on what's important and that is getting better without having to worry if she can pay her bills with not only all the Medical bills but her everyday bills that will pile up while she is in the hospital! We do not have a Date in sight or any idea of what tomorrow will bring so we are asking for any help possible! All Donations will go to Tina Metz expenses. Everyone who knows her knows she is a humble women who would struggle rather than ask for help and give the shirt off her back. Knowing her was to never have to do anything alone or if she knew you had a problem she was offering before you even had to ask!!! We will be designating a day to hold a benefit for donations as well as taking online donations that will directly go to our mother for her care and expenses while she tries to recover.
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