

Hello, my name is Dean and for the past year I have been helping a Christian ministry who supports, feeds, clothes, educates and provides shelter for orphans in Pakistan. As we know Christians are persecuted in Pakistan and have a very hard time compared to us Christians in the first world. These people who run this ministry have risked their lives countless times to protect these children of God. Not only do they support children but they also support widows and other people in need. They also preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in the streets and villages of Pakistan where it is needed most and have been threatened, attacked and injured because of it. Nevertheless they fulfill their calling from the Lord and are willing to die for him. All this I have been a witness through updates, videos and pictures from Sadjia whom I become very good friends with over this past year. Sadjia is the head of the ministry and is truly a remarkable woman of God. Her passion to help others in the name of Christ inspired me to give monthly support to her myself. By the will of God I found Sadjias twitter page and I reached out to her asking if I could help. Throughout the year Sadjia has kept me updated and has told me of hardships the ministry has faced. Sometimes when she told me of these hardships I felt deeply sorry and offered to give her more money, even though it was too much for me to give but she said no what I already give is enough. This made me understand that Sadjia is a true and honest woman of God and would not ask or want money when she didn't need it. But over the past year Sadjias and her team's ministry has grown more and more orphaned children are coming to her orphanage. It is because of this I can no longer support Sadjia and her ministry on my own. That is why I am asking you my Christian brothers and Sisters to help this amazing ministry and give what you can to help them grow. (James 1:27) Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. The members of this ministry live out (James 1:27) every single day so even if you can donate even just a small amount it would mean so much to them and with your donations you will be providing food, water, clothing, education materials, Bibles and shelter support. You will also be glorifying God at the same time! If want to receive personal updates from Sadjia and her teams ministry just contact me through LFEBridge and I will be happy to send them to you. Also if you would like to become a monthly supporter of this ministry. Thank you so much for reading. God bless! :)

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