Dear Friends, Family, and Kind Strangers, We are reaching out to you today on behalf of our beloved Dad Miguel. He is a dedicated father, husband, blue collar worker, and friend to many. However, a recent life-altering event has left him in a dire situation, and we are humbly asking for your support and generosity to help him recover and rebuild his life. Around two months ago our dad was involved in a horrific car accident during his morning drive to work. At around 4:30AM an unexpected tractor suddenly appeared out of nowhere, leaving him with no time to react. In a desperate attempt to avoid a collision, he swerved, but unfortunately, his car was left completely totaled. It was a devastating moment for all of us and to make matters more frustrating it ended up being a hit and run situation. As a result of the accident, our dad suffered life threatening injuries that require multiple surgeries and extensive medical treatment. He underwent pelvic surgery to repair fractures, ACL reconstruction to restore mobility in his knee, and had to deal with surgery complications such as collapsed lungs, which required constant monitoring and medical attention. Additionally, his kidneys were having trouble holding up thus leading to daily rounds of dialysis with some of them being up to 24 hours long. Luckily and thankfully, with the help of many doctors, nurses, friends, and family he’s stable and has made an amazing recovery. After spending months in the hospital and a skilled nursing facility he’s now back in Tulare where his home has become his full time rehabilitation center. Although we are eternally grateful that we can still have our dad around after a horrific accident like that his day-to-day life is still a struggle both physically and mentally and the financial burden of this tragedy has been overwhelming for our family. It will be a long road ahead until he’s able to walk again or better yet sit up in his bed without any assistance and the cost of surgeries, hospital stays, medications, and now around the clock in home care support we are beginning to run short with money. We are a family that does not ask for much but with these unfortunate circumstances we are in desperate need of assistance to ensure our dad receives the care he needs to regain his health and quality of life. We have created this LFEBridge campaign to raise funds that will go directly towards our dad's medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and the necessary modifications to our home to accommodate his recovery process. Every donation, no matter how big or small, will make a tremendous difference and bring us closer to giving our dad the fighting chance he deserves. Our dad has always been a pillar of strength for our family, providing love, support, and guidance at every step. He has worked tirelessly to give us a better life, and it breaks our hearts to see him suffer in pain. We understand that not everyone may be in a position to donate, but we kindly ask for your help in spreading the word about our campaign. We thank you for taking the time to read our story and for considering supporting Miguel during this difficult time. Thank you, Fidelina, Brenda, Karla, Zoila, Edwin, and Stephen
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