POVERTY IN THE RURAL SOUTH Yep- that's me in the picture, circa 1983, with one of my "kids"; she was in foster care. If you're familiar with the ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale), she'd already scored 100%- every kind of childhood trauma imaginable; left with 37 physical scars, and Complex PTSD. (Of course). Yet she survived and is, without a doubt, the strongest person I know. How? By working. For 32+ years, she worked in manufacturing, not talking to people unless she had to; going home afterward, and hiding under her bed from the world. Working meant independence, which meant that she could walk away from anyone who hurt her. Terrified that she would end up back in the state psychiatric hospital as she did at age 16- more childhood trauma. For 32 years, no counseling, no food stamps; no welfare. She didn't know that she was eligible to keep getting a social security check after she aged out of foster care. She's been with her boyfriend for over 20 years; a bit of a recluse himself, he's protected her, and they've depended on just each other. (For those who know me and know that I work in the field of domestic violence, no, he's not abusive, and this isn't a DV story). In fact, he bought a nice, older little brick home. They got 2 rescued dogs. And then, the COVID pandemic. She worked for a temp agency, full-time (another way that corporations get away with not paying benefits). In March 2024, she was laid off. She went into a tailspin. Depression punched her hard in the gut. She tried to find another job, but couldn't. The depression deepened. The temp agency offered her a job- driving a forklift. She didn't respond, because she wasn't certified. The State of SC wants the $21,000 back that they gave her in Unemployment benefits, so of course, she didn't receive any past that. Boyfriend CP was laid off too- he found another manufacturing job with limited hours. He's been laid off many times in the past 3 years due to supply chain problems. Lately, he's taken FMLA to get his girlfriend to medical appointments; he was fired 2 weeks ago for taking too much FMLA. Meanwhile, my now-52-year-old former kid did EVERYTHING I advised her to do. Everything; despite her anxiety about seeking help. She is in therapy; on medications for C-PTSD and for health problems. She started the disability application 3 years ago and still hasn't received that. Meantime, she cannot work. There are days she can't leave her bed. And if she could work- because there are good days; good weeks- then she would lose her ability to get a disability check. She's no longer eligible for Medicaid or Food Stamps, because her boyfriend owns his home, and all the utilities are in his name. So now we come to current happenings: I told you that CP was fired; well, 2 months ago he received an eviction notice; all of his limited dollars this year have gone into trying to save his home; there hasn't been a dime to put into their bundled utility bill, so the electricity and water were turned off 2 days ago. My friends have helped with money and clothing (our hero in this story has never bought herself clothes- like, NEVER) and dog food and cleaning supplies and laundry detergent and food, but the debt has become overwhelming. They need $11,000 TODAY just to stay in their home with utilities. More to buy her medications and gas so he can job search, and food, etc. So you see, this is a story of strength and resilience and humility and fuck poverty; it's not just a plea for $ but also to help your neighbors, and perhaps, to make changes in the systems that make it possible for hard-working people to lose everything, despite. Please help.
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