It’s with a very heavy heart that I’m sharing this. Thursday, July 27 I unknowingly went into preterm labor and gave birth to my 22 week old baby girl Freyja at home, on my bathroom floor, alone. It was an absolutely horrifying experience that I was completely unprepared for. I was actually at the hospital that morning in pain and even the night before when I was diagnosed with a uti. I went back the next morning because my pain had increased 10-fold to a 10 and I was sent home without them having done any vital test for baby and with Tylenol for the pain. They did mention that a uti could cause preterm labor but I wasn’t told what to look out for. I was writhing in pain for hours at home and I just remember thinking if this is uti pain what on earth could labor be like - little did I know I was doing the thing. My water broke and I didn’t even think that’s what it was because it was yellow and I felt like I had to urinate at the time. I went to the bathroom to try to urinate some more and suddenly I was hit with the worst pain I’d felt all day and fell to the floor and before I knew it baby was out. I screamed bloody murder because I thought that was it and I had no idea what I was doing or what to do. I came to my senses and called 911. Dispatch was helpful and comforting. I kept her warm and gently rubbed her chest. All I could think of was the dad from 101 Dalmatians trying to revive puppies until the emts arrived about 7-8 minutes later. They were all really wonderful too considering it was the hottest day of the year so far. At 22 weeks Google says babies have about a 2% chance of survival, however, miracle babies do exists and I whole heartedly believe she is one of them. Her heart beat is strong and she moves outside the womb just as much as she did when she was inside- her doctors and nurses call her a wild thing. She’s taken to all the treatments really well but she still has a very very long road a head of her and the doctors say there will be smooth days and rough days. I’m asking for financial support because while I plan on going back to work I would really like to be able to take some time to bond with her and heal mentally, emotionally, and physically after such a traumatic event. My pregnancy was really rough and I was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum which kept me very sick and unable to work causing me to use all of my paid time off before she could even be born. I’m trying to save my actual maternity leave for when she’s healthy enough to come home which won’t be for a very long while. Thank you for taking the time to read. I am eternally grateful for any and all kind words and donations to help keep me afloat while I work on bonding and healing. CashApp & Venmo are ZGiddy89 if you prefer to donate that way. Thank you.
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