

FRANK MURRAY CANCER FUNDFrank was diagnosed with an aggressive esophageal/gastric carcinoma on August 10, 2015. Immediately following diagnosis he started treatment. His initial treatment was a 30 day course of radiation, to be followed by very high dose chemotherapy for three days in a row, with a three week break in between chemo sessions, for a total of six sessions.  Frank tolerated his radiation very well, even being able to drive himself to and from these treatments several times.  Then the chemo started, and this is when all hell broke loose!  He became very sick with his initial treatments of chemo, and was in-and-out of the hospital numerous times, with one admission requiring four units of blood to be given to him. The tumor was extremely active/aggressive at that point, causing the blood loss. Several weeks later, after another round of chemo, he found himself back in the hospital again. After a week or so it was determined that the port being used to administer his chemo had become infected, resulting in his entire bloodstream becoming infected. This infection was also impacting his heart function, it seemed as though we were losing him at that point. He was rushed into surgery for removal of the chemo port,  which was followed by a six week run of I.V. antibiotics that had to be administered every day.  Frank essentially hovered on death's door for several months, not really regaining much strength or stamina.  Throughout ALL of this his attitude remained very positive and upbeat.  Many of us were not certain he would be with us for his 33rd wedding anniversary, which happened to be on Thanksgiving!  The anniversary was celebrated, as well as Christmas, and then his 62nd birthday in January.  He was starting to gain some weight back, and some strength, so chemo was reinitiated, and hell breaks loose again. He was too sick to get out of bed, and finally was readmitted to the hospital again, this time with an intestinal infection requiring another long run of antibiotics.  During this time he underwent another PET scan, which remained clear except for the esophageal/gastric tumor. We were all elated with this news. Approaching the end of his current antibiotics, and quickly approaching time to undergo more chemo, another PET scan was ordered.  At this point he was improving, gaining weight, getting some hair back, and essentially looking better than he had for the past year.  I took him into the oncology office last week for results of the PET scan and to make arrangements for the next session of chemo.  It was at this appointment that he was dealt life shattering news! The cancer has now been identified in both lungs, as well as a spot under his aorta, also felt to be cancer.  He was told at this appointment his prognosis was grim, he was looking at six months, possibly a year.  Needless to say this was not what we expected to hear at this appointment, especially considering he was looking so much better.  As is a natural response to receiving news like this there was the natural state of denial for both Frank and his wife Kris.  A phone call from his surgeon a couple of days later really drove the news home for Frank and Kris. The doctor told him "its not good Frank" and at that time the reality really sank in!  It was decided that he should forego any additional treatment since the tumor type is one that just doesn't respond to anything.  It was this call telling him "several months, maybe a year" --- getting this call was nothing short of life shattering to Frank and Kris --- as real as it, it is just so unreal!!  And still, Frank's attitude about this remains beyond impressive,  he has been positive through all of this, even after the dark call he received.   Talk about "Man-up Dude" ...... no one has done it better!  We could all learn from him about this!From the beginning of this journey I have been asking for prayers for my friends. The prayers and love have been overwhelming for all of us.  We have witnessed the power of prayer, and have even been blessed with a few miracles through this.   Please keep praying for Frank and Kris.Their time together is limited at this point. So many years together, one's inhale becomes the other's exhale, kind of like every action has a reaction!  And that is why I am writing this for them.   Frank and Kris want to take a trip to the Grand Canyon while he is still able to get out and about. With medical expenses associated with his cancer their budget doesn't allow for this to happen unless all of us pool together and toss a few bucks their way.  They want to take off in the next week or two, Kris has taken FMLA from her work and there is no time better than NOW for them to embark on this journey.  Let's all make this happen for them, let's help them enjoy what time they have left together, let's help create a memory for Kris to hold on to, and to cherish, when she finds herself without him.   Every little bit helps, it all adds up in the end, we reap what we sow, pay it forward---whichever it is that resonates with you please help my friends. Their door has always been open to anyone in a time of need, so lets open our hearts and be as generous to them as they have been to others.  I appreciate everything, Frank and Kris appreciate everything....Bless each and every one of you for your prayers, kindness and love...and thank you for your contribution that helps make this possible!

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