

Thank you very much for visiting this site for Minatsu today. Minatsu and I have been close friends since we were in Grade 12 in Toyama, Japan. Minatsu is currently fighting a terminal illness in Vancouver, BC. She had a seizure at the end of May when the first brain tumour was found. The tumour was successfully removed by surgery, however, it didn't take long until a second tumour was found. As a result of the biopsy, Minatsu was diagnosed with glioblastoma, and since mid-July, she has been going through radiation therapy. Chemotherapy is next. Because she has been working as a freelance translator, Minatsu and her son Ringo (Alex) lost their income immediately after she was admitted to the hospital. The cost of the treatments will be covered by BC health insurance. Ringo, who is going to SFU in September, will receive some scholarships. However, their cost of living will be soaring: the rent for their current apartment, room and board for Ringo's new place starting in September, tuition, and homecare support expenses when she can go back home after the current treatment. Therefore, I would like to ask for financial support from anyone who has come across Minatsu in the course of their life. Any donation will be greatly appreciated for Ringo to settle into his new life at the university and for Minatsu to focus on her treatments. While she is now going through intensive treatments, Minatsu is spending most of her time for Ringo setting up a smooth transition to his life without her. I truly respect Minatsu, who is still putting a smile on her face and giving it her all to support Ringo with her limited time. Thank you very much for your donation. Your support will help Minatsu keep smiling. August 11, 2024 Mami Kuwata --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 本日は、美夏ちゃんの為に、こちらのサイトを訪れていただいて、本当にありがとうございます。私は、美夏ちゃんと富山での高校生時代から仲良くしていただいた、麻美と申します。 美夏ちゃんは現在、カナダのバンクーバーで闘病中です。5月末に癲癇の発作で倒れ、1つ目の脳腫瘍が見つかりました。6月半ばの手術でそれは取り除いたものの、すぐに2つ目が見つかりました。病理検査の結果、残念ながら悪性脳腫瘍の膠芽腫と診斷され、7月半ばに放射線治療が始まりました。 美夏ちゃんが働けなくなった今、ご家族には収入がありません。治療費は健康保険で賄われます。9月からSFUに進学する凛悟君も、いくらかの奨学金を得ることができました。しかし、今まで住んでいたアパートの家賃に加え、凛悟君の下宿代、学費の差額、食費等の生活費、更に今後、美夏ちゃんに在宅サポートが必要になった際の経費など、支出は嵩むばかりです。 そこで、ご縁のあった方々に、美夏ちゃんをサポートしていただけないかと思っています。凛悟君の新しい生活が軌道に乗るまで、美夏ちゃんが安心して治療に集中できるように、経済的な援助をお願い致します。 限られた時間の中で、病気と戦いながら、凛悟君にできる限りのサポートを残す為に、笑顔を絶やさず頑張っている美夏ちゃんを心から尊敬します。彼女の笑顔を守る為に、ご協力をお願い致します。 2023年8月11日 鍬田麻美

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