Shockingly, less than 30% of the world's amputees have access to functioning prosthetics, even in developed countries. To make things worse 50% of those fitted abandon them because they are uncomfortable or cause pain and injury. We have found a way to solve this at global level, enabling the fundamental human right to mobility, safety, wellbeing, and inclusion into society. SO, PLEASE DONATE AND HELP US SUPPORT CHANGING LIVES. Driven by inspirational double-amputee Chris Hutchison, whose personal experience taught him that the prosthetics provision globally is ill-equipped to fully service the needs of the world's amputees, many of which have limited or no access to the prosthetic care they need, even in developed countries. He set out on a mission "to make mobility accessible to everyone" who needs it, and with his father Alan, they founded ProsFit in 2013. ProsFit's vision. “A WORLD WHERE INNOVATION PROVIDES LIMB WEARERS A CHOICE OF AFFORDABLE, RELIABLE, AND DESIRABLE, PROSTHETIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES”. ProsFit solution has been used to fit over 700 amputees in 15 countries, in all environments from advanced prosthetics centres in developed regions, to low-resource environments and conflict zones. FOR LIFE AND LIMB seeks to expand those numbers exponentially, and help build the long-term capacity to fit amputees faster, better, cheaper. As soon as we have secured the first €150’000.-, we’ll start with the first cohort of 20 amputees. The numbers are soaring, today 70% of the world's amputees do not have access to suitable prosthetics, and numbers will double by 2050. All of these amputees require prosthetics, critical for the fundamental human right to mobility, safety, wellbeing, and inclusion into society. This cannot be achieved by deploying inefficient, costly artisanal methods, in capital-intensive clinics. Continuing to focus on the few at the expense of the many, is simply not justifiable in today's world. Only highly scalable, innovative, and proven digital solutions, deployed both in-country and in the region, can leverage the increasingly scarce clinical resources, and provide sufficient capacity, speed, outreach and cost-effectiveness needed to save lives and avoid a long-term humanitarian crisis. Achieving exactly this is the aim of the FOR LIFE AND LIMB program, enabling the maximum number of amputees to regain mobility and forge a pathway back to a better life. Your Contribution, and how we will use it. The overall target for phase 1 is to fit and rehabilitate 200 selected amputees with a budget of €1'500'000. This includes prosthetic fitting, rehabilitation, accommodation, support to the individual and their family, and support with reintegration, as appropriate. This works out to an average of € 7'500 per case, 70-75% less than other initiatives using traditional approaches. As soon as we have secured the first €150’000.-, we’ll start with the first cohort of 20 Becoming an amputee is traumatic enough, but then having no access to the treatment needed to become mobile again is a situation no one should ever face in this day and age. Project Partners. ProsFit and its partners, together address the complete “patient journey” at scale from prosthetics provision to rehabilitation. ProsFit ProsFit website Uni Hospital Bulgaria Uni Hospital website BLOCKS Rehabilitation Centre Bulgaria - BLOCKS Rehabilitation Centre Bulgaria website Our Project Partners in Bulgaria together address the complete “patient journey” from medical needs to rehabilitation, and re-integration. We are currently in dialogue with potential parteners in other parts of the world, for know-how transfer and capacity building as the project advances. Dare to Care More - This fundrasier is organised by DareToCareMore - A creative and strategic agency, dedicated to helping businesses care more about people and planet. DareToCareMore website SO PLEASE HELP US HELP AMPUTEES THE WORLD OVER, FIND A PATHWAY BACK TO MOBILITY, SAFETY, WELLBEING, INCLUSION INTO SOCIETY, AND A HUMANE LIFE.
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