

Hello, my name is Angel Zimmerman and I am raising funds for Jake (and Ashley) Johnson my nephew and niece on behalf of the many friends and family who love them deeply. These two are newly married, working hard, and embody your classic young couple in love starting a life together. In the face of these wonderful things, their journey has been plagued with wave upon wave of challenging medical issues for Jake. They just received some very troubling news as Jake was just diagnosed with PRES (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome) and is currently in ICU on a ventilator at Regions Hospital. They have had to miss substantial work already and finances are extremely difficult. Jake’s fate is entirely uncertain at this stage. I am asking for your kind and generous donations to help them bridge this challenging financial period so Ashley can continue to be by his side at the hospital. Any donations and support are sincerely appreciated. It’s been a tough journey for these Wisconsin kids. Jake received a kidney transplant at age 10 due to a rare genetic condition called Juvenile Nephronophthisis. He has had this kidney for nearly 18 years, but unfortunately, he is now in End Stage Renal Failure. He has dialysis multiple times weekly as he awaits a transplant donor. This week, Jake started to exhibit signs of disorientation which advanced rapidly leaving him now unconscious and admitted to ICU on the ventilator at Regions Hospital. Doctors could not initially figure out what was happening, but they now diagnosed Jake with PRES. My niece, Ashley remains faithfully by his side praying for a change in his condition. Your generosity and willingness to help get them through this tough period of life is sincerely appreciated. Lastly and most importantly, I ask for your prayers. Please pray for God’s grace and a blessing of recovery for Jake and strength for his wife Ashley. Thank you very much.

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