This will be a longer post to get everyone updated on the events leading up to now and where we are. About 6 weeks ago Brooklynn’s knee started hurting, we spoke with her doctor about it and agreed it was probably growing pains because she had grown quite a bit. On June 13 Brooklynn woke up with finger print looking bruises all over her arm. Since I’d already had an appointment for Derik that day, I scheduled one for her as well. The doctor looked at her and did a finger prick blood sample to test for anemia. June 14 - am - the doctor called and said her blood platelet count was low. She asked me to take her immediately to get labs drawn. That afternoon we were called and told that they were low but everything else looked pretty good. They were thinking it was ITP.We were referred to a hematologist. June 14 - pm - Brook started complaining about pain in her lower back. June 25 - Brook had a trip to the ER due to a small nose bleed and coughing up tiny bits of blood, but I’m a paranoid mama so I always want to get things checked when I’m not sure. She had had a cough for a few weeks so they did X-rays to make sure they didn’t see pneumonia. Her platelet count was a little lower, but they weren’t overly concerned. June 30 - Brook’s hematology appointment. Her platelet count was lower, but still not at a dangerous level. We did discuss pain in back and knee but since labs had come back clean didn’t think much of it. The following weeks we had a couple days that had bleeding issues, we were given a prescription to help. July 11 - Brook texts me in the middle of the night while I’m in the hospital that her bottom hurts. July 19 - Brook was at Bible Quiz Nationals in Missouri and text me at 4:30 in the morning that she had clumps of blood coming out of her mouth. When I saw the text a couple hours later I started texting her and she informed me she was still bleeding. I got on a FaceTime call with her so I could see how much she was bleeding. It was quite a bit. Her doctor recommended taking her to the ER, so my mom did. At the ER her platelet count was down very low (normal is 150,000 - 450,000 hers were 12,000). After talking to her hematologist they decided to put her on steroids so she could make it home instead of being admitted there for the low platelet count. July 21 - Hematology appointment. Her doctor wasn’t there that day so we saw another doctor. He was great, did thorough examination, ordered labs and X-rays of her back and knee. At this point she had been waking up almost every night in pain and the night before had even woken up hurting after taking something to help her sleep. Labs showed her platelet count was at 18,000 and everything else looked good so we headed home because nothing was expected to have been seen on the X-rays. We almost made it to Jarrell when the doctor called and said she had a compression fracture on her back and a growth on her knee. We needed to get back they thought she had cancer. We made it to the hospital, got checked in, and then was able to meet with her hematologist who had been out of office because he was working in the hospital. He ordered CT scans and MRI (which she was a champ during the 3 hour ordeal in pain!). July 22 - met with hematologist and oncologist. She does have cancer. They will do a biopsy on Monday to determine what it is. It is in almost all of the bones in her body, and is also inside her lungs. From what I remember, her marrow is creating baby bones so she has little bones and growths on all her bones, as well as baby bones growing inside her liver. Ordered additional CT scan to check for tumor and to look at other organs. As of now we are still waiting on those results. They had to give her morphine tonight to help her sleep. It’s finally working and she’s had more sleep while I created this page then she had last night. She’s scared, I am pretty sure we all are, and wants to go home. I know she is tough but she has a hard fight ahead. We appreciate all the prayers, well wishes, visits, calls, and texts that have been sent our way. This is not anything that had crossed our(meaning the doctor’s mainly) minds because her blood work was pretty good so this is a massive shock to us all. I will do my best to post updates and progress so everyone can see where she’s at, in case someone is overlooked in the daily calls and/or texts. Treatment could begin as early as next week or as late as two weeks depending on what they find from the biopsy and the studies that will have to be performed after determining the exact type of cancer. They listed three different things they think it could be, just not completely sure because of its rare presentation.
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