Hi, my name is Luna, i live in texas as a black queer woman with gender queer children, Kei and Jack, due to the increasingly horrific laws being passed in Texas, the increasing acts of racism and bigotry and the current school system curriculum, we must leave, as quickly as we can. I am homeschooling my kids right now but want them to experience highschool in a more piblic manner. I can not in good conscience send them to a public school in Texas, they are gender queer, and do not dress According to some archaic gender norm or change themselves to fit into a religious box. I am asking for your help to get us out of Texas. My partner is a skilled cabinet worker and can find work, we do want to raise enough to afford a rental for 6 months to avoid not finding shelter once we leave TX. We plan on moving west, possibly NM. (Suggestions welcome) Thank you so much, anything is much appreciated.
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