

Thank you for reading. In need of some financial support to keep things going for Andrew. Our journey for a liver transplant started in Pittsburgh, where he was denied. He was at this point given a 15-20% chance of survival of 3 months. We were instructed by the Dr's from UPMC Montefiore to immediately go to John's Hopkins in Baltimore, MD where he would stand a better chance of being approved for the transplant. After they agreed to a transplant, it was discovered that his insurance would not cover an out of state transplant. He was then transported by ambulance from Baltimore to Einstein Hospital in Philadelphia. Since arriving in Philly, he has developed other conditions hindering his approval for a transplant such as blood infections, low blood pressure, high sugar levels, high bilirubin levels, low platelet levels, etc, etc, etc. He is at the end of the two out of three months survival rate and now just awaiting stress test, cardiology, psych, and social work sign offs. We've been making the bare minimum work but out of funds. Medical bills, gas, lodging, in house hospital bills are now becoming overwhelming. Any support would be more than a blessing at this point.

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