

Today as a birthday present for my Gran I am pledging to take the year till her next birthday and raise as much money as I can for different organisations that support family's or help patients suffering with dementia. Last year my Gran was diagnosed with vascular dementia. I learnt quickly how heart breaking it is to watch someone you love fade away in my grans case very quickly. With that I would like to make this hardship easier on other family's that are going through this or the charitys that are working so hard to research this horrible disease. My main goal to raise money to support the Care Home that my Gran is currently in, supporting her through this journey. I have started this go fund me today in to celebrate my gran as at this stage this is the best gift I can give her. Every little helps and we truly appreciate everything. Keep and eye out as though out the year I will be hosting fundraising events and challenging myself to raise as much money as possible. Thank you all very much Alexandria and the rest of the family.

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