My name is Janice Fox, Lilly I am trying to raise money for my husband, Donald Lilly, who has stage four germ cell carcinoma It is testicular cancer that has spread!!! It is in his liver now he has been put on cobra insurance as July 3 from his work. We have been scraping by barely making it for the past year and now it’s going to be more !! we cannot lose his insurance or he will for sure die and not be treated!! The doctor wants us to go to MD Anderson in Houston for a consultation and possibly New York City. We are doing trials now trying to kill this cancer !!!! He has told me he has not had enough time with me,♥️ his children ♥️and grandchildren ♥️ he’s not ready to die!! he is willing to do anything the doctor has him do to beat this cancer!! my husband Donald is 53 years old that to me is way too young to die!! We have been married 38 short years♥️♥️so if any of you could help out financially with medical expenses, and drug expenses travel expenses, it would be greatly appreciated. If you are not in the position to help out monetarily God bless you please say a prayer for my husband and share this post. I understand so many people are struggling out there God bless you all.♥️♥️♥️ we love each and everyone of you and please keep the prayers coming. God bless and thank you.♥️♥️♥️♥️ any money donated will go towards medical costs living expenses while traveling and hopefully not but maybe taking him somewhere for the last time we love y’all God bless you♥️♥️ The Lilly Family♥️
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