Hi Fellow FFX Shareholders, It has become necessary to reach out to all shareholders that have pledged supporting the actions of the formed group. We have been offered donations to assist with getting this done, and inially we were quite happy to just look after the costs ourselves but after engaging the services of a Corporate lawyer to assist, with the added work involved her original estimate has increased and we also believe that there will be some more delaying tactics by the Company. We have been reluctant to reach out for assistance with funding, and doing this LFEBridge with one of the reasons if we raise more than needed - how the hell do we return it back? Although a random draw of names to go to a favourite charity? Costs to date are half of the target I have set, we will see how it pans out. There is no obligation whatsoever to contribute, and again we feel a little awkward in doing so. Admittedly, we were feeling a bit down in the dumps at having to reach out and ask everyone to go again with signing, but the level of support has remained intact & coupled with all the encouraging words - kudos to you all and how could we not. Team FFX Shareholders Support Group
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