

My name is Kristin and I've been with my husband, David for 8 years( married for 3). I have personally been struggling with unknown infertility since my 20's. A little background: my husband has a precious son from a previous relationship. All his testing has been perfect. I began in my 20's trying to conceive naturally, but it wasn't until around age 32 ( 5 years now), that I began getting serious by using ovulation kits, etc. I ovulate normally. I've just never been pregnant. I've had 2 surgeries now ( Laparoscopy for trace endometriosis and just recently, a diagnostic hysteroscopy. It was suspected by my reproductive endocrinologist that I had something called hydrosalpinx, which would inhibit any pregnancy and even would most certainly result in ectopic pregnancy. Thankfully, my GYNO who performed the surgery said everything looked great. So, we are still waiting and have tried naturally again to no avail. We began IVF in May 2024 and right as I started my first round of stims ( taking medicine to prepare my body to produce eggs), I ended up having to have an appendectomy. This canceled the entire procedure. Due to many other life events, we were unable to travel to Colorado like we originally planned and ultimately the IVF meds expired. We were blessed to even have the opportunity due to a family member giving us the money. However, as many know, not everyone has limitless funds. My husband and I both work full-time as nurses, but infertility is not something you can plan for and I certainly wouldn't wish it on anyone. Unless you or a loved one has gone through it, it's impossible to understand or empathize. In August of 2024, we did 3 rounds of IUI, which were unsuccessful. Now, we are hoping to attempt IVF again, which increases our chances of success. While I know there are far greater challenges people face everyday, if anyone feels led to donate, it would be such a huge blessing. It is truly my heart's desire to be a mother to our own. I hope this can be used as a testimony that you are not alone and there is nothing to be ashamed of. While I know God has the final say, I know that until I no longer have this desire, I will keep trying and praying. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read or donate!

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