

Hi , my name is Bob . My bride Tonya has been battling this evil disease we call cancer for several years now . Tonya , along with our small family is having to deal on a daily basis with the devastating effects it has on her body and all the secondary consequences that seem to go along with it . From days of her not being able to get out of bed , loss of sleep , nightmares , nausea , constant fear of not waking up , constant pain and ongoing nose bleeds . We have never ceased praying for a miracle and have been blessed for Tonya to be accepted into an experimental clinical trial that will specifically address her glioblastinoma , which is a very aggressive , fast growing cancer on her brain . This trial is our only option at this time and a last ditch effort to address the rapidly spreading tumors and prayfully will slow their growth . If all goes well this trial will open up her chances of ongoing treatments locally . Unfortunately this clinical trial demands we travel across the country and will be losing time off work for several days and will curtail accumulate expenses . We are prayfully asking for financial support to help towards expenses through this journey . Our family remains positive and confident through this trying time . Tonya being accepted into this clinical trial gives us a “ ray of hope and sunshine “ ! We humbly ask for your support in this time of need. Your generosity will not only help and provide financial relief but also serve as a reminder of the love and compassion that exists within our human community . Please share , pray and donate as you are able . We thank you from the bottom of our hearts ! God Bless you all ! Bob and Tonya

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