Hi, my name is Jimi Bernath, I am 75 years old, and I have been renting a little cottage in Englewood Colorado for the last 20 years. The owner is a friend and one might say patron saint, as she kept the rent affordable for all these years. She recently sold the property and I have been given until July 17 to vacate. My social security benefit is around $1350/month, and I have little cash reserves. The rentals in Denver metro are pretty much beyond my budget, I have no debts so can probably afford $600. I have been searching diligently every day for the past month, through Craigslist and other sources, including friends' suggestions, not only in Denver but all over, and haven't found anything yet that was affordable. There is an opening in Artspace Trinidad for $741/month that I believe would be an ideal fit for me. If I had additional cash reserves to cover the extra rent for a year or so, I believe I can generate some extra income to make the rent affordable. First let me send my sincerest blessings to all of you, close friends, friends of friends, and beautiful compassionate strangers. I signed a lease this morning for an apartment in the Artspace Trinidad program and thanks to all the generosity sent my way, have hired movers to come tomorrow morning and by evening, hope to be settled in as the newest Trinidadian! Will send some photos along soon. And thank all of you who sent recommendations for housing options. Some were distinct possibilities. Am keeping for future reference but hopefully will not need. Because I am an old hippie who has moved more times than I can count, I am calling this move The Last New Start. Thank you for my new start. Love, Jimi
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