Hi, my name is Andrea and I've created this page to help raise funds for my beautiful granddaughter Eva. Eva was born on 3rd May 2024, a happy, healthy baby who was thriving and hitting all her milestones. Fast forward to February 2024 Eva started falling over whilst walking or attempting to walk, Catrin & Rhodri (mum & dad) contacted the health visitor who referred Eva for physiotherapy, she was from there transferred to Pediatrics where the family were told that they suspected a serious neurological condition and Eva needed to undergo a lumbar puncture, MRI and blood tests. On June 6th Catrin and Rhodri were given the devastating diagnosis that Eva has Late-Infantile MLD (Metachromatic Leukodystrophy), a rare genetic disorder which there is no cure for. At present Eva has lost her physical abilities and is totally dependant on Catrin and Rhodri, this will follow with mental abilities, speech, hearing, swallow and sight loss, Eva will also have a short life. The aim here is to raise funds to help Eva with the essential equipment she needs along with a holiday so they can make family memories. Thank you for taking the time to read Eva's story and we appreciate all donations, big or small.
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