

*UPDATE 2. To everyone who has made a donation, we are honoured, humbled and overwhelmed, by the generosity of so many, some who we presume we may have never met. You've all made the burden of this terrible condition and the costs involved in getting me back to a pain free life so much easier to bear. You are all in your own special way, bright lights shining in the darkness. We have no idea how we'll ever be able to thank you all, but will start with thanking you all from our hearts right now, and promise that we will continue to pay forward at every opportunity we get. So much love, Lyndel and Paul *UPDATE. Thank you all so much for your generosity. Paul and Lyndel are both overwhelmed by this show of love and support from you all. The good news is, Lyndels surgery has been locked in for Wednesday. She'll be in hospital for 5-7 days. Please keep her in your prayers. Many of you will know Lyndel Riley. What many of you won’t know, is that for the past 5 years, she has been suffering agonizing & debilitating pain from Trigeminal Neuralgia. The Trigeminal Nerve affects the jaw, face and brain. Imagine you had a metal object touch a nerve in your tooth that shoots an unbearable jolt of pain that is indescribable. Lyndel has been battling up to 1.5 hours of this never-ending excruciating pain multiple times a day and has reached breaking point. I have sat with her through these attacks and cried with her watching her suffer in this way, rocking, screaming and crying for more than an hour each time just to get through it. And this has gone on day after day every hour or so. This current flare-up has lasted 8 weeks, with Lyndel being turned away from the emergency department in 3 different hospitals when she could take the pain no longer. She is on the highest doses of 2 different medications she can possibly take and all have been ineffectual at even taking the edge off the pain. She has tried natural therapies, specialists and more! Her only option is for an operation on the Trigeminal Nerve. She has been waiting in the Public system but can wait no longer! She needs the operation ASAP, which can be done next week if done privately. The emotional toll on Paul and the family is huge. Please keep them all in your prayers & help us raise the $37,000 needed for this operation so Lyndel can be free of this suffering and live again. What is trigeminal neuralgia? Trigeminal neuralgia (TN), also known as tic douloureux, is a type of chronic pain disorder that involves sudden, severe facial pain. It affects the trigeminal nerve, or fifth cranial nerve, which provides feeling and nerve signaling to many parts of the head and face. TN is a type of neuropathic pain, typically caused by a nerve injury or nerve lesion. Symptoms • Sudden, intense pain, typically on one side of the face • Pain attacks that can last for a few seconds to about two minutes • Numbness or a tingling sensation • A burning, throbbing, shock-like, or aching sensation • Attacks of pain that occur regularly for days to weeks or longer, sometimes several times a day Trigeminal nerves The trigeminal nerves are a pair of cranial nerves that connect your brain and brain stem to different parts of the brain, head, torso, and neck. Each of the 12 nerves splits to serve the two sides of your body and brain. Each nerve also has three branches that conduct sensations from the upper, middle, and lower portions of your face. • The ophthalmic, or upper, branch supplies sensation to most of the scalp, forehead, and front of your head. • The maxillary, or middle, branch stimulates your cheek, upper jaw, top lip, teeth and gums, and to the side of the nose. • The mandibular, or lower, branch supplies nerves to your lower jaw, teeth and gums, and bottom lip. There are two main types of TN: Type 1—This is the typical or "classic" form of the disorder. It causes extreme, intermittent, sudden burning or shock-like facial pain. The pain lasts anywhere from a few seconds to two minutes per episode. These attacks can occur very close together, in stretches that can last up to two hours. The intense flashes of pain can be triggered by vibration or contact with the cheek (such as when shaving, washing your face, or applying makeup), brushing teeth, eating, drinking, talking, or being exposed to the wind. The pain may affect a small area of your face or it may spread. Bouts of pain rarely occur when you are sleeping. Due to the intensity of the pain, some people may avoid daily activities or social contacts because they fear an impending attack. Type 2—This is an “atypical” form of the disorder that is characterized by constant aching, burning, and stabbing pain. This pain is usually less severe than in Type 1. It's possible for you to have both forms of trigeminal neuralgia, sometimes at the same time. The intensity of pain can be physically and mentally devastating. TN attacks typically stop for a period of time and then return. In some cases, the condition can be progressive, meaning that the attacks can get worse over time, with fewer and shorter pain-free periods before they recur. In progressive TN, the pain-free intervals eventually disappear and medication to control the pain becomes less effective. Go Fund Me requirements: *Paul & Lyndel Riley will be the sole beneficiary, receiving the funds directly through bank transfer from Go Fund Me to their nominated bank account. Lyndel Riley is a close friend of Lisa Dodson, who has initiated this fundraising on her behalf.

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