Hi Everyone! My name is Jasmine. I’ve always been independent so I have to admit that I am quite embarrassed to ask for help but I’m learning that it’s okay to lean on people for support, especially when in dire need, and there’s no reason to feel embarrassed. I was born and raised in Chicago, IL but about 6 years ago, I received a job opportunity to move to Los Angeles and I’ve been here ever since. For the past 6 years, I’ve worked hard to be successful in my career in Residential Property Management and mostly recently, Commercial Property Management. Unfortunately, things took a downward turn a few months ago when I was unexpectedly laid off from my job with little severance to keep me afloat. Since then, I’ve applied for several other positions with no luck and I’ve been struggling to pay my rent over the past few months. When I notified my apartment manager of my situation and asked about payment plans and possible resources for assistance, I was told that payment plans weren’t allowed because the company does not accept partial payments and I was not informed of any resources for assistance. I managed to secure a temporary job that would barely help me make ends meet but I was slowly saving up enough money to pay off my rental balance in full. Just when I had saved almost enough to cover my balance, my bank account was hacked and then closed due to fraudulent activity. The bank notified me that they have to conduct an investigation for an undisclosed amount of time before any of my funds can be released and there are no guarantees so I now no longer have access to those funds. I was notified by my apartment manager that an eviction was filed against me due to nonpayment of rent and the only way to cancel this process is to pay off my balance in full. I am now at risk of homelessness if I’m unable to pay within the next few weeks. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. If you have it in your heart to donate, I would be eternally grateful.
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