Hi, my name is Melissa Kaye and I'm pursuing a huge vision that will change the lives of countless youth. These are youth that have been in the foster system and have turned 18 without being reunited with their parents or being adopted. After a tumultuous upbringing, being passed from home to home, often homeless, hungry, at best unsupported at worst traumatized and abused. Now they are left alone in this world without someone to support or guide them. No one to call when they hit a rough spot. No one to help them get connected or educated. No home to return to during the holidays. No family to celebrate their achievements. It's no wonder that less than 5% of these kids will ever earn a degree. Most will live in poverty, in and out of homelessness, incarcerated or trafficked. All because they were born to parents that couldn't or wouldn't give them the care that they deserved and longed for. Elev8 Tiny Home Villages will be that home for them. In the Villages these young adults will have: A Home Food Community (Tiny Home Dwellers will be welcome to live in our village as mentors) Education Coaching Therapy On-Site Businesses to support their career goals A place to Belong I know that it's a big vision. And I don't know all of the steps. But I do know that this is a non-negotiable vision that WILL happen. I commit every day for the rest of my life to it. During my life, I have had multiple businesses, traveled abroad doing humanitarian work, fostered a beautiful daughter, authored a book, won ballroom dance championships, served on state boards and directed stage shows. When I set a goal, I figure out how to achieve it. Every time. And this... This vision.... This is what I was put on this earth to do. The last 52 years have been the training that I needed to bring me to today. This massive undertaking will save and change countless lives. Not for a day or for a photo op, but for a lifetime. These young adults are on the precipice of having a life that adds good, talent and love to this world, or a life of struggle, hurt and brokenness. This mission is neither impossible nor improbable, this mission is imperative. The generations that they will leave behind will create legacies of meaning instead of continuing the cycle of poverty. I am 4 months into an 18-month tour of this country. A listening tour (what's wrong, what's working, where are the people that want to be a part of this). I have already spent a month in Tennessee and a month in Colorado. More time in Virginia and Pennsylvania. And now I'm in Texas. And it's working! I have paired down all of my belongings to what fits in my car. I go from place to place, housesitting or being welcomed by extraordinary people inviting me into their homes. My little dog, Munchkin is along for the ride and we witness miracles every day. Miracles that keep us moving forward. These "pre-tour" dates are for raising support and sponsors to get the full Tiny Home Tour officially on the road. The Tour will help secure funding, find the right place for the first village (so we can get it all figured out) and gain followers that will watch this journey and the success of the first village so that it will only take years instead of decades to get Villages all over the country to serve the 23,000 youth each year that find themselves all alone. The tour will begin on January 3, 2024. We're almost there!! Please help with anything you possibly can to get this tour on the road. The sooner we get out there the sooner the first village is ready to welcome home these abandoned and frightened youth. The momentum has begun!!! Please help me to continue. Financial support is needed as I'm out on the road spending at least 50 hours each week attending events, networking, and learning best practices of similar projects. This leaves me little time to generate revenue for my living expenses and the materials needed to secure sponsors and all of the business tools needed to get this show on the road! Gas, car expenses, living arrangements, travel, food, insurance, websites, administrative support and marketing. It all adds up! As sponsors sign on things will get easier. Please support me as we get this snowball rolling. Anything that you can donate is SO appreciated. Gift cards for gas or food make a huge difference. Every dollar gets us closer to the day that first village welcomes its first hurting and scared young adult. Imagine the moment they will step inside their own tiny home. The warmth and safety and sense of belonging that they've longed for their whole life. And right next door is someone to call family. The village social life will be intentional and a time to gather in community to celebrate. To cry. To heal. These villages will be home to so many. Every dollar you give will help this tour continue and build more momentum. As sponsorship dollars come in any overflow money will be moved forward into getting the first village up and running. Once that is done, any leftover funds will go to create a training program and then onto the 2nd village and 3rd village. (You get the picture). Your donations will plant the seeds to make it all possible. Thank you so much for your financial generosity. Your prayer support. Your positive thoughts and connections. There is nothing too small or insignificant. Join me in this vision. It will be worth it. I promise. I can't wait to fill you in on all of the exciting progress!! Once again, while the words cannot accurately capture the deep gratitude that I feel... Thank You! If you own a business and are interested in being a sponsor of the official tiny home tour, you can download the Sponsorship Package HERE
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