

Hello, Hola, Mrhban and to who else cares. I am so nervous, writing this. I am 28 and I have diabetes and multiple sclerosis. I got diagnosed with diabetes at 12, which is absolutely fine. It’s all I remember, it’s a second language. I got offered a pancreas transplant and I kindly rejected the amazing offer. For the reason that; I remember how I felt getting diagnosed I was distraught. Petrified and I had to go all my life injecting. Needles. At this age I’ve injected over 830,000 times. Young kids deserve to be first priority not somebody who is living life absolutely fine with it. Just finished secondary school and couple months later, my life got shattered, flipped on its head. After going into hospital for 4 months. Getting my damaged brain working overtime attacking my own body. Fighting and resisting is all I have known. I grew stronger hate to my life and repeat the daily struggles. The uphill battles everyday which I have to; build up the courage, strength mentally and physically every single day. Every time I open my eyes, from dreams where anything is possible. It truly doesn’t matter what anybody tells me or shows me, the hate I have for myself will never get weaker. Only stronger as I grow older and who I once was, becomes a faint distant memory. So the hate will continue to grow as long as I am still breathing. It is here till the day I roll over, close the soul to my heart forever and have visual of the creator of everything. Only then I will be at true harmony. Everyone and everybody, even my family family and friends see me as I am invisible. It is draining to pretend to be ok and keep it strong. Especially when the back of your mind is thinking everything negative and how things in life could turn on its head, in a heartbeat. Truly heartbreaking devastating but it always on my cranium even if I am happy and having an amazing time. It’s my life. I have got this. I want to learn and share my story, if this helps others it’s worth it. I don’t care what others may think of my choices any more. If I can make a change in somebody’s life that means I made a difference Sorry and thank you the world is warm and caring. #Faith #Believe #Hope #Connected #God #Oneworld

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