

Please help support our family as we go through this very difficult time. Edgar André Alonso Januário is our loving son. In March, he started to complain about having a headache. Despite several visits to the doctors, his symptoms got worse. After having an MRI, we got the devastating news that he has Stage 4 Glioblastoma, which is an aggressive type of cancer. He has started radiation and when they finish this, he will get chemotherapy. His treatment and medical care are very expensive and we need your support! Edgar is a very intelligent boy who loves school, animals, exploring nature, playing taekwondo and swimming. We are so devastated to see our child become so sick. We put our faith in God that our son will receive a miracle and. We ask all of you to please keep our son in your prayers and please help support us financially so we can get him the treatment he needs. Thank you and God bless.

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