

Diane Harrison is more than a person. She is a loving Grandmother, Mother, Sister, Neighbor and Friend. In 2008 Breast Cancer came and tried to knock her of her feet but she kicked right back lossing both breasts and several Lymph nodes in the process. By late 2009 she was cancer free thanks to dozens of rounds of chemo and radiation. In 2013 She moved to Virginia to help support her family through arduous active duty orders by proving care to her 4 year old grandson as his parents often need to be away for training and deployment.  As a full time grandmother she provides endless time and love that directly impacts the families mission readiness.In July of 2015 there was a lump in her neck, and though it did not hurt is was on the dreaded left side where 13 of 20 nodes were confirmed cancerous in 2008. In Septepmber the two lumps were removed, both Lymph noded found to be breast cancer positive. October has now arrived and several blood tests and scans have proven the cancer is now offically Stage 4 and in her bones., specifically the breast bone, right hip and spine. Her daughter has applied multiple times for secondary dependancy thought the Navy and been declined due to her preivous good health. The procedure in Septemeber is now coming with a $25,000 price tag and Diane's insurance has 0 coverage for it nor any cancer treatments that will be starting in the coming weeks. We are asking for any support towards her medical bills so that she may not have the weight of these pulling down on her spirt.  We also have arranged for a special Navy Chief Challenge coin to be created to benifit her.  Though not a Chief herself, her daughter earned anchors in 2014 and praises her mother everyday for the lessons learned and ever coninuning support to mission and country that resulted in teh pinning and continued care of Sailors world wide.We will coninue to post updated thought this process.

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