

This event is being organised by Mickey Clarke to raise much-needed funds for families that have been affected by cancer. Dundalk and the North East, in particular, have been heavily affected by cancer, and many loved ones have been lost to the dreaded disease. Mickey himself has already overcome the disease once in his lifetime, and is about to start his second fight, commencing treatment again in the coming weeks. Mickey has been heavily involved in the local football scene for many years as a player, and more recently as a very respected referee. Looking for something to focus on during his treatment, and also to raise vital funds for the local hospice, Mickey has set about organising this fund-raiser, with a view to it becoming an annual event. There is already a large number of ex-Dundalk FC and League of Ireland players committed to the match, and some stalwarts of the Dundalk local football scene. It promises to be a great day of football and all for a very worthy cause. Please feel free to donate online, or support by attending the match on the 16th of September in Bellurgan.

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