

Hi Everyone , As most of you guys know Donnie went into the Hospital June 1st . Twenty Three days later he was finally discharged but with continued on going treatments with two Specialists  .   His diagnosis is considered High Risk with having lost 30 pounds between June 1st and June 23rd .    We are hopeful for a recovery with the treatments and medicines that has taken weeks for approval by the Insurance .  Applying for programs and co pay cards because of the requirements of the Insurance has been a everyday full time  task . One medicine taking two weeks and another medicine taking 4 weeks as of yesterday to get insurance approval .   During this time , Short Term  Disability with his work has taken place but with recent news from his doctor he will now have to go on Long Term Disability .   Relaying such news to the HR Department of Donnies Job of 21 years , did not go so well .  We were informed that the  FMLA that worked along side the Short Term disability he is currently on will end next month .  We were also informed we now need to apply for the Long Term disability and he will now be Terminated Aug 24th the day  FMLA ends with Cobra as our new Insurance carrier .  So after celebrating the final approval of the medicine that we finally got yesterday , weLearned shortly after that  21 years with a company and 21 years of paying  insurance he will now be Terminated due to continued doctors care of Long Term Disability.  Left us stunned and speechless.  My time this far has been spent being his full time caregiver during this critical time of coming out of the hospital . Many hours and days have been spent on the phone speaking with people from A-Z setting up His  continued care .  During this time , My goal  was to handle and accomplish all aspects of setting up his treatments before returning back to work .   As I accomplished  this goal , his work now  throws us a curve ball . With now having a deadline of Termination and soon to be his  change of Insurance , my urgency to investigate , research and complete the necessary requirements in hopes of no gaps  in coverage . As Donnie and I are walking in unknown territory with his Termination , his health , his income that’s not to its full capacity and my time off of work , we are in a position of needing some assistance as we navigate through this winding road ahead. We have been told many times since June 1st if there is anything we need just let y’all know . Well , We are now in a position to ask publicly for temporary help for Donnies needs including security of our home as we settle into our new chapter ahead .  We continue to give Thanks to those that have already opened their giving hearts to Donnie and I .   Much Love . We Shall Overcome !

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