Hi, my name is Ann and I'm raising funds for my friend Caterina. In May, Cat was diagnosed with cancer: a low-grade glioma mass in the left frontal lobe of her brain. Anyone who knows Cat knows that she is a tremendous human being; kind, loving, and compassionate - she would do anything for her friends and family. Not to mention intelligent, hard-working, hilarious; just a joy of a person who brings more than she knows to the lives of those lucky enough to be in her circle. Cat has been unable to work since mid-May. Between doctor visits, repeated MRIs, brain surgery and now chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she's got a new full-time job of healing and beating this illness. This money will be used to help Cat with bills and living expenses during this time, as she has been unable to work since her diagnosis. Unfortunately, disability benefits do not cover full pay, and with medical bills and unforeseen costs (now and in the future), every penny helps. Anything you can donate will be truly appreciated. Everything we can do to help and surround her with love is what is most important so she can focus on beating cancer and having a normal life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
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