

Hi beautiful friends, family and visitors I have decided to create a Go Fund Me Page after being inspired by reading about health journeys similar to my own I'm Claire - I'm 33 years old, living in Cairns Australia. I'm passionate about holistic health, art, human rights and philosophy As some of you may know, my complex health issues started in 2017 and are still progressing. Each day I take the good and the bad as it comes. My goal is to raise money to assist support with medical treatment from specialist services. These goals include access to a full body MRI screening, Endometriosis surgeon / OBGYN, private neurology treatments, psychiatrist treatment for medication prescriptions, orthopaedic specialist appointments and holistic treatment. There are countless ways these medical conditions affect my life on a daily basis. They impact my ability to consistently work, drive my car and sometimes at the point of debilitation, I am unable to do basic tasks. As more often than not these side effects directly interfere with my ability to process light, sound, movement, balance, and affect sleep, digestion and pain. As my health has been unpredictable and declining, I am at a standstill after exhausting my finances for several years. The current public health system is broken, it has failed me (and so many others) in many ways. There is a severe lack of resources and treatment available to the public, and so I am reaching out to my community for support. Without specialist treatment, diagnosis and care cannot be given, the current waiting lists are not sustainable. Funds will assist with specialist treatment and the expense of supplements and medications My current diagnosis are; White Matter Disease, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Fibromyalgia, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Raynauds Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Insomnia, & two Orthopaedic conditions - Miserable Malalignment (formally known as femoral anteversion, tibial torsion) I have recently been in hospital twice regarding ongoing neurological symptoms as I had a car accident a few months ago related to debilitating fatigue, fainting, sensory issues and sudden memory loss. At first I was turned away from public neurology at the hospital. I had been asking for an MRI scan of my brain for around 6 years to which I had been denied by General Practitioners. I recently had a private MRI that showed white matter in an area of my brain. White matter disease is likely caused by microvascular disease; Small blood vessels in the heart that malfunction. This causes a lack of oxygen to the brain, resulting in the death of neurons that send communication around the brain to die, and can essentially cause small strokes. This can create larger cardiovascular concerns. White matter disease symptomology can affect memory loss, vision, light sensitivity, balance, and pain, among other symptoms. I have as many of you also know, I had previously been diagnosed with Endometriosis, and Adenomyosis. This is a condition that spreads tissue normally found within the uterus, anywhere in the body. The tissue creates harmful lesions that bleed each month, wherever it ends up. It can attach to organs and penetrate muscle tissue. It can cause serious health problems, and in some cases even death depending on how progressed. This disease can cause more pain than you can possibly imagine unless you've experienced it yourself. I am often bed bound for up to two weeks. There are no current cures as this condition is still being researched, birth control is not an effective way of treating the symptoms long term or the cause and can add very dangerous side effects and contraindications. Most of the time, multiple surgeries must be performed to remove the tissue. Most recently, I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist with Fibromyalgia. This disorder is a nerve and muscular condition that affects the way a persons' central nervous system processes information and pain. The symptoms are usually related to severe chronic fatigue, muscular pain, nerve pain, joint pain, vision problems, among others. Both of these conditions sit in the top 20 most painful chronic diseases a person can experience. The causes are currently undefined. However, studies show that these diseases are linked and appear to function similar to other auto immune diseases. Furthermore, I have been managing symptoms of an orthopaedic developmental disorder throughout my life. This manifested in childhood and went undiagnosed. I made this discovery about my orthopaedic condition in my early 20's, as my spine has been bent out of shape multiple times. I have been unable to walk, in excruciating pain from nerve injury. Whether this manifested due to extreme hypermobility is still undetermined, more testing and MRI need to be assessed which is proving extremely difficult to have conducted under our current public system. Surgeons have advised treatment must be caught at an early age, as it requires both the femur and tibia bones to be broken and fused back together to bring the leg and knee back to its natural position. This is not a treatment I'm now able to have as an adult. I will need to have prosthetic adjustments made continuously as I age, the hopes of getting funding for this is by having enough support to apply through the NDIS. For that, further specialist treatment is required. So, what have I done about this so far ❓️ My first stance in 2015. At age 25 I chose to get rid of my TV, junk foods, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and any other toxic distractions available to me at that age, including co-dependant relationships. I worked hard on changing my lifestyle and habits, despite a lot of people around me misunderstanding my needs. I changed my diet to an organic, plant-based whole foods diet. I have supplemented with natural medicine, tinctures and herbs. I have incorporated fasting and juicing cleanses, and have spent time building my microbiome. I have heavily researched every aspect of my health and experimented when necessary. I have tried meditation, breathwork, yoga, sound healing and other holistic modalities. I have learnt some potent and incredibly valuable tools to implement in my life so far. Yet, as I have found, there is limited success in simply changing the way you think. Mental health is one very important aspect of health. I have met many bypassers who are sure controlling your mind will relieve you of physical ailments. As we know this is not true, You cannot deny your realistic limitations - Only become aware of them and work around them as much as possible and treat the body holistically. I implement many valuable mental health practices into my life. I have been in psychological therapy for several years. I have tried psychiatry for many symptoms, and have been trialled on several incompatible medications (some that have almost hospitalised me many times) besides taking my quality of life from me from side effects. I've been dismissed as "too young" to be experiencing pain and symptoms. My treatment has been prolonged by 7 years. I have been ignored and trivialised by multiple medical professionals along my journey. Each day is a fight for self-advocacy, and I am sharing this information with you because others deserve to be seen, validated and educated on how the system is operating. The more we communicate, the more we can help each other. One thing is for certain - There needs to be more people on board influencing public health for the better. It is a great desire of mine to be in a career position in the future to help others access holistic and medical resources, and government-funded treatments. So is there a silver lining? I have been constantly and consistently educating myself on healing modalities and scientific information that could be useful to myself and others. I have a passion and a genuine curiosity and desire to help others. I have sought out all the treatment available to me within my means. I have tried an incredible amount of therapies besides chosing to live in an environment with clean air and water (Cairns!) Among other lifestyle changes. I can't think of anything I haven't fought for when it comes to showing up for myself. I am asking for a donation of any value to assist in my journey and help me access treatment and therapies that increase my quality of life, to bring me closer to medical intervention that will allow me to work, study and exercise in ways that can provide me stability. My biggest desire to come from this is to help the invisible illnesses to become visible. I'm here to advocate for others like myself, and will continue to work with what I have to find ways to help. My life goal is to educate myself in multiple holistic health modalities and treat others. Thank you for reading my story, I truly appreciate the time you've taken to connect with me. Warm regards, Claire ✨️

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